Spiritual Growth Classes is now Spiritual Growth Groups

Here at Faith Chapel, our mission and vision is to Grow People Up Through God’s Word to Reflect Jesus.

Our spiritual growth groups are designed to assist believers in their spiritual growth and development. We offer Spiritual Growth Groups 101 & 201.

Spiritual Growth 101 is the first group in a two-part series that introduces the “foundational principles” every Christian (born-again believer) should know and understand.

In this course, you will learn of the Trinity (Who is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) and each ones’ role and responsibilities in the creation, salvation, and life of a believer. Additionally, the six Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity every Christian should know are fully explained.

You will receive practical tips on how to pray, live by faith, study the Bible, and more. Knowing this empowers you to not only walk in knowledge, but it also helps to establish you as a believer, to cultivate successful habits, AND equips you to share what you’ve learned with others.

This group is 8 weeks.

Spiritual Growth 201 builds on what you’ve learned in 101. Often people find their identity in their jobs, cars, relationships, where they live and more. In this course you will learn your true identity In Christ.

Through your study of the Finished Works of Christ, you will discover your identity in Christ which includes: Your Inheritance, What You Have in Christ, What You Can Do in Christ, and most importantly Who You Are in Christ. You will discover the unique spiritual gifts and talents that God has placed in you.

This group is 7 weeks.


Click the button below and select “Spiritual Growth” as group type to learn more and to REGISTER FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH GROUP!


E-learning classes are self-paced modules that you can take online according to your personal schedule.
Questions? Click here for more information.